Party Perks
Party Perks
Maintaining your appearance as you age can be quite difficult, especially when you attempt to do so using just natural means such as proper diet, exercise, water intake and more. at Dr. V’s Aesthetics, we specialize in a number of aesthetic enhancement procedures that are relatively non-invasive, and also focus on providing individuals with the best possible means of improving their overall health and wellness as well, such as IV Therapy. This is one of the reasons Botox party and at-home aesthetics services have become so popular in recent times, as they allow individuals with even the busiest of schedules to maintain a healthy lifestyle and improve their appearance all from the comfort of their own home, with their friends and family.
As the most popular procedure for aesthetic enhancement around today, Botox accounts for nearly 50% of ALL aesthetic procedures occurring every single day! One of the main reasons for its popularity, is because its been proven to be quite effective at treating unwanted signs of aging, such as the presence of wrinkles, and fine expression lines – while providing patients with a fuller, more youthful appearance. While it was known to be most popular in patients above 40 or 50, in recent years we have seen quite an incredible increase in popularity amongst patients in their 30’s and even some in their 20’s! This is because researchers have found that Botox not only helps to treat existing wrinkles, but it can also help patients prevent future wrinkles and age-related issues.

The fact is that Botox parties, like the procedure itself, are becoming more and more popular every single day! Not only is it highly effective at treating dynamic wrinkle issues, but it also is known to be safe and relatively risk free, when administered by a trained professional, such as the ones available at Dr. V’s Aesthetics. The fact is that by having at-home aesthetics services, and Botox parties, men and women who might find it difficult to make time in their schedule to make it to their local med spa, can have the procedure done within the confines of their own home, and around their best friends, and closest loved ones. Not only does this allow you and your friends to save time, as you are all now able to have your Botox appointments, at home, back-to-back, as opposed to having to schedule your own individual appointments, it also makes for a very fun gathering, and unique experience very few individuals have taken part in before. Themed parties are always fun, and while you might gather with friends and close relatives this weekend anyway, why not kill two birds with one stone, and have your aesthetic needs taken care of as well. In addition, by having the appointments done together, in many cases this allows you and your friends and family to save on the price of individual appointments. Schedule your very own Botox party today, by contacting Dr. V’s Aesthetics at (917) 789-6963.